Friday, April 25, 2014

T0901317 GANT61, An Supreme Level of comfort!

l, 29 contigs annotated as cytochrome P450 T0901317  and belonging to the CYP71 and CYP85 clans, were cho sen for organ specific expression pattern assays, Contig01314 was exactly the same as the CYP88D6 gene according to the BLAST annotation results. An additional 3 unigenes had a similar organ specific expression pattern as CYP88D6, including contig06734, contig07137 and contig07899, However, additional experiments are needed to deter mine which of these unigenes participate in glycyrrhizin biosynthesis. Glycosyltransferases, a ubiquitous family of enzymes, catalyze reactions involving the transfer of a nucleotide activated sugar moiety onto another molecule, These enzymes are encoded by a large multigene family. approximately 120 secondary metabolism glycosyltrans ferase genes have been identified in Arabidopsis.
The conjugation of a sugar moiety to a substrate is called gly cosylation, which is a process that contributes to the syn thesis of glucidic polymers, glycoproteins AZD2858 and glycolipids. Glycosyltransferases GANT61 often use specific substrates in the glycosylation reaction and are relevant for the synthesis of secondary metabolites. No genes encoding relevant glycosyltransferases have been identified in Glycyrrhiza. Using BLAST searches, approximately 172 unigenes in our study showed sequence similarities to glycosyltransferase in the KEGG database. According to the GO category analysis, these unigenes were classified into 45 categories, Among these categories, 27 unigenes encoded for UDP glucosyltransferases, which is obviously involved in the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites.
We also pick up unigenes annotated as glucuronosyl transferases because glycyrrhizin is composed of agly cone glycyrrhetic acid and two glucuronic acid units. We found 11 unigenes that Digestion encoded glucuronosyl transferases, and it GANT61 is possible that these are involved in the last steps of glycyrrhizin biosynthesis. From these two categories, 17 contigs were T0901317  chosen for organ specific expression pattern analysis by real time PCR, The expression patterns of 6 glycosyl transferase unigenes were similar to that of CYP88D6. These glycosyltransferases included contig01209, contig03646, contig05219, contig09428, contig09463 and contig09686, These contigs were regarded as candidate glycosyltransferases that encode the enzymes responsible for glycyrrhizin biosynthesis and will be the subject of further study.
We did not select singletons that were annotated as cytochrome P450s GANT61 or glycosyltransferases for the organ specific expression pattern analysis because of the high content of glycyr rhizin in the Glycyrrhiza plant, On the other hand, 22 ESTs were annotated as CYP88D6, which is a known cyto chrome P450 gene in the glycyrrhizin biosynthetic path way. The lists of candidate unigenes for cytochrome P450s and glycosyltransferases are found in Additional files 7 and 8, respectively. Conclusions Our study established a high quality EST database for G. uralensis using 454 GS FLX Titanium sequencing tech nology. With this work, we initiated a large scale investi T0901317  gation of the transcriptome of G. uralensis in terms of functional genomics, molecular biology and biochemis try.
A large number of novel candidate genes involved in glycyrrhizin biosynthesis, GANT61 including cytochrome P450s and glycosyltransferases, were identified in our EST data set. The information from these ESTs represents a signifi cant contribution toward the exploration of the molecular mechanisms of glycyrrhizin biosynthesis. More importantly, a few candidate genes encoding the enzymes responsible for glycyrrhizin skeleton modifica tions were obtained by screening functional annotations and by organ specific expression pattern analyses. Methods Plant materials G. uralensis material was collected from a five year old, field grown G. uralensis plant growing in Ningxia, China. Previous research has shown that wild G. uralensis con tains much more glycyrrhizin than cultivated plants, One possible reason for this diffe

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